All applications made to CISA are considered on an individual basis and be in good academic and behavior standing in their current school. Admission will only be finalized after all relevant paperwork has been completed and received by the Admissions Office by the due date.
A new student applying for admission to CISA must submit the following documents to the Admissions Office:
Complete Application Form (Versão Portuguesa) click to download
Complete Medical Form (Versão Portuguesa) click to download
Complete Pick Up Authorization for KG1 to G3 (Versão Portuguesa) click to download
Signed copy of the Handbook click to download
3 recent passport-sized photographs.
Copy of the student’s passport and visa or ID.
Copy of the parent’s passport and visa or ID.
Copy of the vaccination bulletin.
Original academic end of year reports for the previous 3 years.
NIF copy of Individual/Organization responsible for payments.
NOTE: Students coming from schools outside Angola should have all documents must be officially translated to English and Portuguese languages and must be stamped by the ministry of foreign affairs in the country of origin then by the embassy of Angola in the country of origin.
Families will be notified within a one week after testing if the student has met admissions standards, A one-time, non-refundable first installment is due within 15 days to reserve the student’s place for the following year. If no place is available, the first installment can be paid and the student may be put on a waiting list.
FEES 2024-2025.pdf
Aside from bringing their own meals, our students may buy snacks from CISA's Snack Shop during lunch breaks, or be supplied with a lunch meal through the CISA bracelet
Our commitment to quality servings begins in the kitchen by using fresh, seasonal, responsibly sourced ingredients.
Supplied by our excellent Catering Team,
our premium meals are served 5 times a week from Monday to Friday at 12.00.
Each meal includes a complete lunch package of:
- One Portion of Protein
- One Portion of Carbohydrates
- One Portion of Vegetables
(varies depending on the meal)
- Dessert
- Water bottle
Our catering service offers a wide variety of Halal meals throughout the week, with a unique plate each day.